Dub School is the friday installment of a series of weekly roots reggae and dub sessions in Kingston of which Dub Club, Vinyl Thursdays, Inner city Dub and Dubwize are also part. It is an intimate outside weekly session with lots of guest selectors and artists passing through. This is the ideal practice ground for young talent staying true to the roots. The early ‘free flow’ segment from 9 till 10 p.m. is where they get to do their thing. Later on, there’s also a ‘star time’ segment where the more renowned artists get to perform. 



Every Friday from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. This means you can go there early if you’re not going to Inna Di Yard first.



10 1/2 First Avenue, Vineyard Town



It's a free event so no admission

There is food available so don’t worry about going there early with an empty stomach.

Check out Dub School’s Facebook page for info on upcoming events and guest artists. Plus there's lots of good quality video's on there.

Listen to this clean audio from Super Nova's Birthday edition of Dub School with guest artists such as Prince Allah, Randy Valentine, Exile Di Brave, Cali P and others.

The weekly Dub School sessions are streamed on this UStream channel